UNESCO 2022 Media And Information Literacy Essay Competition (Nigeria)

In celebrating the 2022 UNESCO Media and Information Literacy (MIL) week with the theme “Nurturing Trust: A Media and Information Literacy Imperative” and World Cities Day themed “Act Local to Go Global”; UNESCO in partnership with Zeitgeist Aesthetics, Light Up Africa Development Initiative and the MIL Alliance Youth Committee is launching series of essay competition and hackathon in Nigeria to explore how MIL help shape sustainable cities in Nigeria.


  • Create awareness about MIL in Nigeria.
  • Mobilize young people in Nigeria to develop creative ideas on how MIL can improve sustainable cities
  • Support local initiatives to go global
  • Leverage on youth innovation and creativity in response to and promoting MIL;
  • To engage and build activities with the MIL CLICKERS community.

Essay Topic: How Media and Information Literacy Fosters Innovative and Sustainable Cities Development in Nigeria

To get more, like Diplomacy Opportunities Facebook Page, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram

Activity Schedule

  • Phase 1: Call for application Launched. Deadline 27th November 2022
  • Phase 2: Entries being reviewed by selected judges
  • Phase 3: Winners announced on December 3rd

Essay Guidelines: All essays should be between 1000 – 2,000 words; in Times New Roman fonts and 1.5 line spacing

How to Participate: All entries should be sent in pdf or word to [email protected]

Deadline: November, 27, 2022 (5pm Abuja Time, GMT+1).


  • 1st Winner – Laptop
  • 2nd Winner – Digital Camera
  • 3rd Winner – SmartPhone